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Created 16-Apr-11
Modified 29-Jan-24
Visitors 5
47 photos
DRS 37667 before it gained the new style DRS livery, 66729 before the EuroGBRF guise in GBRF 'Barbie'. The lines home fleet of locomotives as always featuring at the event while a National Express presence was at London Kings Cross.

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:

DRS 37667Railfreight Red Stripe 37518DRS 37667Sector Metals 31271GBRF 'Barbie' 66732BR Green 40013BR Blue 47270DRS 37667Transrail 56128GBRF 'Barbie' 66732Green 25 D5401Green class 14Railfreight Red Stripe 37518DRS 37667Maroon class 14Green 25 D5401BR Green 40013Sector Metals 31271BR Blue 47270DRS 37667