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Created 6-Apr-11
Modified 26-Nov-23
Visitors 9
25 photos
A regular on 6M20 at the time, April 2009. When 60011 was a celebrity of different sorts, before it's DBSchenker livery, here we see the 60 in full Mainline Blue livery waiting it's path to St Pancras from Whatley.

EWS 60010 also made an apparance in the day as did Hanson and Aggregate Industries liveried class 59's make an appearance as per the usual Freightiner and EWS class 66's.

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:

Mainline Blue 60011EWS 60010Hanson 59103Freightliner 66559Aggregate Industries 59001Mainline Blue 60011Freightliner 66611EWS 60010Freightliner 66621EWS 59204EWS 66206Hanson 59103Aggregate Industries 59001Mainline Blue 60011EWS 66136EWS 60010Hanson 59103Freightliner 66611EWS 66165EWS 59204